Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Basis for Healing

Articles and Teachings, Page 2
by dr. michael ryce
The basis for true healing of mental, physical and emotional trauma is knowing that the body is not real -- it does not exist! Scientifically, this was said best by Albert Einstein: "What we have heretofore called matter is energy whose vibrations have been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter!" Ancient teachings called matter "appearances" and cautioned not to judge by them.

What appears as a body is in fact an energy field, integrated and organized by what is in back of and superior to it. There are only two qualities of energy relative to any energy field:

1) Integrative--i.e., enthusiasm, love & joy that express as creativity, health and aliveness.
2) Dis-integrative--i.e., fear, anger, criticism or revenge that leads to pain and dis-ease.

In ancient teachings the holding of "dis-integrative" energy, called "defiling the temple" was referring to it as "sin." When this energy is stored in tissue, they warned, it violates the integrity of that tissue, causing disease. The wages, or result, of defiling your temple is that you die. This was not religious dogma, but simple physiology!!

Pain and dis-ease are beneficial signals that warn of error. Pain is never a sign of someone else's mistake. It is the body's "error message" and invites us to be responsible for the quality energ y we put into our systems. Most ignore the message, and wonder why disease strikes. They wish someone would invent a "magic bullet" that lets them continue destructive habits and never pay the piper. "Let me hate and gossip, have fear and anger, let me put down whom I wish. Let me ignore nutrition, eat junk AND PLEASE, let me be well and happy!" An insane wish! We can't sow wheat and reap corn, nor engage in negativity and have health, we are reaping as we have sown!

Failure to be aware and release negativity leads to an endless succession of similar events. Hence, the question: "Why is this happening to me . . . again?!" Inappropriate "positive thinking", pretending all is well when it is not, produces the same result. Appropriate and honest thinking is the goal; self-correction then follows naturally when in error.

The only restorative processes are those which face and release negativity. The body then uses its own recuperative powers to rebuild.


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